5 ways to Cleanse your Mind, Body and Soul

“True healing comes with the nourishing of the mind, the body and the soul”  - Unknown  

Spring is just around the corner, the start of new beginnings, the flowers begin to bloom, the  birds are chirping and the days become longer and we begin to feel a renewed energy as we come out of the winter months. 

It’s the perfect time for a spring clean. Often people think of spring cleaning as cleaning their homes, however it’s an even deeper cleanse if you cleanse your mind, body and soul. 

Our bodies get overloaded with toxins, just like our mind  and spirit does, it is vital to our wellbeing to take some time out to cleanse and create space. The act of spring cleaning has been proven to have many therapeutic benefits. 

Imagine freeing up space mentally, physically and emotionally .Imagine how it would feel to declutter your mind, body and spirit and find more clarity and lightness? 

Here are 5 ways to cleanse your body, mind and soul this spring:

The Breath

Breathing is living and a function of life, without it we wouldn’t be here. In our society the word Pranayama translates to the control of “life force”. Every single cell and organ in our bodies needs our breath to fully function. With a regular breath practice we can lower stress levels and prevent disease.

Apart from the physical benefits practising breathing exercise helps us to calm the mind, the faster the breath is the more agitated the mind is, so it’s vital to learn how to breathe long and deep to remain in a relaxed and calm state. When we take long and deep breaths the mind relaxes and becomes less busy, allowing us to create space to feel. 


Meditating cleanses your mind, body and spirit. To sit in silence and connect is pure bliss.  Think of meditation as a way to cleanse your mind of any negative thoughts and create space for yourself to listen with a relaxed focus. 

There are many different meditation techniques and are all great, it will really depend on what resonates with you. 

Here is a simple one to get started:

Come to a comfortable seated position, hands resting on your knees, palms facing upward.  Gently close your eyes.

Bring your focus to your breath, observing the inhale and the exhale through your nose. 

When any thoughts come up and try to steal your attention, know that this is completely normal and part of the process,  just keep coming back to the breath, following the inhale and the exhale. 

If you are new to meditation try a short amount of time to start with and increase it as you become more accustomed,. micro habits!

Move your body 
Moving your body is vital to feeling good and detoxing your mind, body and soul. Any form of exercise supports the functionality of your organs and the natural detox process and gets your cardiovascular system going, improves your blood flow and, thereby, has a positive impact on your body’s systems and processes. 

Yoga is beneficial for your body in general. Iyengar stated that twisting poses compress the muscles and organs, blocking the flow of blood. When releasing the poses, the blood flows back into those areas, improving circulation. Twists are an important part of a balanced yoga practice as they improve circulation – which certainly is beneficial to your internal organs. 

The most important thing is to move your body in a mindful and loving way. 


Journalling is a great way to get things out of your head and onto paper, it allows you to fully process things that are bothering you and for you to see them in a different light.  

There is no need to follow any structure, allow yourself to write freely and see what comes up.

If you have trouble getting started here are some journal prompts:

  1. Write down everything that’s taking up space in your mind.

  2. What can you do to get yourself some nourishment and self-care?

  3. What would you like more of in your life 

The most important thing is to get your pen to paper and empty your thoughts, it is then when you can see, think and feel more clearly. 
Take a non tech day

Take time out away from your computer, phone and social media. for 24hrs. Give yourself a break away from the screens and the external world. 

Give your eyes and mind a rest and do some more nurturing activities like getting out in nature, cooking nourishing food, playing board games, doing yoga, journaling, spending time with family and friends, do something art or simply do nothing.  Taking some time out in silence is another great way to connect and check in with yourself. 

So, there you have it 5 ways to cleanse your mind, body and spirit this spring.  

If you want to cleanse your mind,body, and soul over a longer period of time, join us in our yoga bubble in Hawaii or virtually for one of our teacher trainings!  


The Power of the Breath


How to Practice Self Compassion on the Mat