new family at an evolation yoga teacher training


I arrived to my evolation yoga teacher training on Monday! It’s already saturday morning! Today we do the advanced class. Monday my arrival was a little “awkward.” I didn’t know anyone and I walked into a silent lunch – well, that’s not an easy thing for me to be – SILENT! “So, here I go!” I said to myself. I took a plate of amazing food and sat down and made my first friend: Julia. With a smile to melt the sun; I knew it was going to be okay from that moment on.

getting to know my new family

After lunch, we started right in with introductions. As I looked around the room, I felt I was looking at my new family. After getting settled into my room and another amazing meal prepared by our darling Italian chef, Andrea, we had our first hot class. We combined with the flow group and it was truly a spiritual experience- I must say I slept like a log. The next day was filled with so much good food, good friends and learning! We have all become close! I can honestly say I love these people.


I am learning so much about the practice, but more about who I am in my practice of yoga. Our class with Zefea was so instructive. We even did a double and it felt good. Sleep is no problem here at “yoga camp” as my husband calls it. We taught our first posture, it was good. Up early and off to the beach on the third day with my friends to practice our dialogue. We danced like children having too much fun! Back to class – every day learning more and more.

support from a new family

We taught again supporting each other. I look around the room at these beautiful faces and well up with confidence. Their support is carrying me through any of my doubt. I am loving every minute. I will admit: learning the dialogue isn’t easy. Every day is a new challenge with each succeeding posture- sometimes I think “Oh my gosh, I won’t ever remember all this” but then I have Mark, Torrey and Zefea to encourage and remind me that I can do this. So, today we present Standing head to knee- wish me luck! I will keep you posted! Love and light ahead!

Kathy Pierandozzi


Kathy is originally from Southern California and moved to Montana in 1974 to attend the University of Montana in Missoula. She has lived in Montana since then because of her love the outdoors and the fact that Montana provides plenty of places for fun outdoor activities. From skiing to cycling, Kathy enjoys all things outdoors. Kathy even taught skiing at a local ski area Snowbowl for 25 years. Coupled with 30 years of substitute teaching in the Missoula County Public School system, Kathy learned that she loves being around people and teaching anything. With that kind of drive, there is no doubt she will love teaching yoga as well.


day by day in an evolation yoga teacher training


beginning of a new yoga journey